Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Excursion

Last night the ball dropped in New York signifying a new year.  As is my tradition I spent some time today reflecting on the past year all the ups and downs, good times and not so good times and then casting vision for the next three hundred and sixty-five days.  I really want this year to be different.  My desire is to come to the end of the year and feel success.  So this year I decided to do something different.  I am kicking New Years resolutions to the curb.  A friend of mine introduced me to and immediately I was intrigue by the idea of narrowing my focus to one idea that I put in the forefront of my life and tried to live each and everyday.  Sounds easy enough.  So this year I decided to take the challenge.  Now to figure out what word was worth carrying on the banner of my life.

I wanted to chose a word that would represent a theme that would inspire me to reach for my full potential and do more with my life.  Something that would motivate me to show up in a way that would be an example to others.  A challenge to face life head on and navigate it well each and every day.  As I sifted through different words there was one that seem to stick out from all the others.  A small word with big meaning.  A powerful word with with great potential.  A word I have not spoken much in my life and dismissed as insignificant.  Now for the first time I see its value and it brings energy to my soul.  It is done.  I have decided.  I have chosen a word.  Not to bring it to life.

It is always one thing to have the desire and decide, it is quite another thing to speak it into existence. To tell someone and become accountable, that is commitment.  So I told a friend, then another, and another, and another.  Each time feeling the energy and excitement of what is to come pour over me.  I look forward to the journey and all the adventure and trials it may hold.  Here's to taking the first step on a new excursion.


  1. Love that you're doing this, Chris! And I L L L your word.

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